
Nazriq Ahmad

MA Linguistics, University of Malaya | BHSc English Language & Literature, IIUM

I am a formally trained linguist with an eye for creative digital content and 8 years of experience interacting with youths from different backgrounds and nationalities.

Growing up in two multicultural cities – first Los Angeles, then later Petaling Jaya – led to my lifelong fascination with language and culture.

I learned web programming (HTML and JavaScript) in 1998 by reading my aunt’s programming textbooks which she left at my house and got hooked (she studied IT and thought those books would be good to occupy my time). I was among the first generation of Malaysian bloggers back in the day when GeoCities was a thing. I loved writing on the web way before Blogger and Twitter even existed.

I grew up with Enid Blyton novels and I loved video games, especially JRPGs. The complex yet fascinating storylines showed me the power and emotional impact good storytelling can have. With my intimate understanding of language, in whatever job I do, whether it’s teaching, conducting workshops or writing an article, I enjoy being able to get the point across using language that’s simple yet captivating in a way that pulls the reader into a whole new world of possibilities.

I could go on and on about myself, and perhaps we can talk more about that over a cup of tea. Meanwhile, here’s what my colleagues and former students have to say about me:

A short video of what my colleagues and former students have to say about me.

Also, here’s what author Ameen Misran has to say about me:

I’ve seen him change through his untold life events, making him the most cheerful, most heart-warming person I’ve ever known. He has this strange power of bringing people together around him together at free will. A productive young fella, a creative youth, not a superhero, but a hero to many.

Ameen Misran, co-author of The Other Side of the Coin

4 thoughts on “about

  1. Assalamualaikum, Sir.
    I’m Fakhira, 2nd year mass comm student from IIUM. I really want to improve my english, in terms of writing(the grammar part) and speaking (prounouncation).
    (To be honest, I feel jealous dekat orang yang ada good writing skill)
    So, what can I do to improve my skills ? :/


    1. Wa’alaikumsalaam wrt wbt, Fakhira.

      Firstly, thanks for the comment, and congratulations on wanting to improve! The desire to improve is the first step towards bigger things, so it’s good that you feel this way. Quite a good question you have here – some may dismiss it as common, yet it’s still a relevant question which not many has properly answered.

      From my own personal experience, my studies and research work I’ve done, the best way to acquire such skills is through constant exposure and interaction using the language. Start writing and don’t stop. Also, don’t be embarrassed to make mistakes – everyone’s first few writings may be “bad”, but they’re a mark for the growth which you’ll embark on. As for speaking, try watching movies without subtitles, and try to emulate/copy the way your favorite speakers/actors talk. These are only some tips – there are many different ways to improve your language skills!

      As for jealousy, I personally do feel jealous of a lot of writers. That jealousy can be good if you channel it positively. Be jealous in a way in which you feel inspired to be unique like the people who made you feel that way. Don’t be aim to be as good as the ones who inspire you – aim to be better. Hope that helps! 🙂

      – Nazriq


  2. Assalamualaikum Sir,I’m BENL student. I wanna ask, you said the way to improve our English is by watching movies without subtitles right? But Sir, my problem is, if I watch some movies without subtitles, I can’t catch up and get what they said in the movie…. especially if it involves some complicated words like in many sci fi movies.

    So Sir, in your opinion, what should I do to be able to watch it without subtitles? I really interested watching English movies, most of my free time I spent it just by watching movies hehehe.


    1. Wa’alaikumsalaam wrt wbt, Zayn

      Thanks for the question. It actually depends on the situation and type of subtitles used. I wouldn’t completely say that subtitles are bad. If the film is in English and the subtitles are in Bahasa Malaysia (or any other language which you may speak), they do help to give an idea of things, but they aren’t exactly the best if you’re concerned about improving your English. This is mainly because some things just can’t be translated and are lost in translation. Also, not all English-Malay subtitles.are of high quality (maybe I should write about this in the future).

      However, English subtitles can certainly help. These are suitable for those who want to catch up with the words being spoken, especially those who aren’t used to the speed of proficient speakers. After a while, you’ll get used to what is being said and you’ll find yourself relying less and less on subtitles. Also, thanks to technology, if you’re watching a movie online or a downloaded movie, you can easily repeat the parts which were fast, and you can even play around with lower speeds to catch those fast words or phrases.

      Hope that helps!

      – Nazriq


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