
Intro | Samples

I enjoy doing speaking engagements whenever my schedule permits me to do so. If you would like me to speak at your university’s/college’s/institution’s/company’s event, do let me know and we’ll see what we can work on together.

I have spoken on a wide variety of topics, such as coaching, motivation, life skills, career development, language, and social issues. I’m comfortable with a variety of mediums, be it on stage, behind the camera, or on the radio. If you have other exciting ideas aside from what I’ve listed, I’m always up for a challenge (as long as it’s reasonable, of course).

» Samples

In February 2014, I was invited to speak at the Bachelor of English Language (BENL) Interactive Session at HS Square, International Islamic University Malaysia.

In November 2013, I was a special guest on’s “Light of Benefits” show with DJs Miza Rashid and Nurdiyanah Daud. I was invited to share my secrets of time management. My part begins at 21:30.

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